Connect to an FKS cluster

Fly Kubernetes is in beta and not recommended for critical production usage. To report issues or provide feedback, email us at

Fly Kubernetes clusters are accessible over an organization’s private WireGuard network. To connect to a cluster, you need a WireGuard configuration. Follow the Private Network VPN instructions to set up a permanent WireGuard connection to your IPv6 private network.

To connect to your cluster, you need a kubeconfig file. These are generated when your cluster is created. They can also be retrieved using flyctl. First, we need our cluster name:

> fly ext k8s ls
NAME                                    ORG             PRIMARY REGION
fks-flyio-fksdemo                       flyio           iad

Then, we can use flyctl to save our kubeconfig to disk. It is automatically saved with the name kubeconfig in the current directory

> fly ext k8s save-kubeconfig
> ls
kubeconfig somefile.txt

With the kubeconfig file, you can connect to your cluster. To make life easier, you can move the kubeconfig file to the default location kubectl searches for it, $HOME/.kube, under the name config. Alternatively set the environment variable KUBECONFIG to the path to the kubeconfig file

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig

Once set up, you can use kubectl:

> kubectl get ns
NAME              STATUS   AGE
kube-public       Active   22d
kube-node-lease   Active   22d
default           Active   22d
kube-system       Active   22d