Export logs

The Fly Log Shipper app enables you to aggregate your app’s logs to a service of your choice.

Your app’s output to stdout become logs in Fly.io. Live log tail and log search are good enough for most things. But if you need to export your logs to an external service, such as Datadog or AWS S3, then you can use the Log Shipper.

The Fly Log Shipper

Here’s the easiest way to ship your logs to a location of your choosing.

The Fly Log Shipper app hooks into Fly.io’s internal log stream. You can run this in your Fly.io organization like any other app.

The Fly Log Shipper runs Vector, which grabs the logs and sends them to a location of your choosing (via a Vector sink).

You can select one or more items from the list of supported Providers (sinks) and configure the Fly Log Shipper to run those sinks.

Each provider just needs some environment variables (or secrets) set for them to work.

Using the Fly Log Shipper

Here’s an example. To ship logs to Logtail, you would do the following:

# Make a directory for your log shipper app
mkdir logshippper
cd logshippper

# Create the app but don't deploy just yet
fly launch --no-deploy --image ghcr.io/superfly/fly-log-shipper:latest

# Set some secrets. The secret / env var you set
# determines which "sinks" are configured
fly secrets set ORG=$ORG
fly secrets set ACCESS_TOKEN=$(fly tokens create readonly $ORG)
fly secrets set LOGTAIL_TOKEN=<token provided by logtail source>

You can configure as many providers as you’d like by adding more secrets. The secrets needed are determined by which provider(s) you want to use.

Before launching your application, you should edit the generated fly.toml file and delete the entire [[services]] section. Replace it with this:

  http_checks = []
  internal_port = 8686

Then you can deploy it:

fly deploy

Shipping specific logs

By default, the log shipper gets logs from every app running within your organization (organization is set by the ORG secret/environment variable).

To narrow that down, you can set a SUBJECT environment variable in your instance of the Fly Log Shipper. That can be set as a secret, or as an environment variable in your fly.toml file.

Subjects are in the format logs.<app_name>.<region>.<instance_id>. You can set the Log Shipper to narrow down to a specific instance, a specific region, and/or a specific application.

There are 2 wildcards you can use:

  • * wildcards go between strings and can be used multiple times
  • > wildcards go at the end of a string and can be used once

For example, to only ship logs for an application named sandwich, you would set the SUBJECT environment variable like so (in your Log Shipper fly.toml file):

  SUBJECT = "logs.sandwich.>"

This uses wildcard > to say to grab all logs from application sandwich no matter what region or instance they came from.

Another example:

  SUBJECT = "logs.*.dfw.>"

This SUBJECT says to grab logs from all instances of any applications hosted in the dfw region.

Configuring Vector

Based on your provider (or preferences), it may be necessary to customize the Vector configuration. This is done with a vector.toml configuration file and, thanks to Machine files, it’s as simple as copying the source vector.toml to a local directory, modifying it according to your requirements, then saving it and redeploying:

fly deploy --file-local="/etc/vector/vector.toml=/path/to/local/vector.toml"

That’s it! The baked in config file is overwritten and Vector will use your modified config.


Fly.io ships logs through a NATS stream. This is available to all of your apps via nats://[fdaa::3]:4223, which is where the Log Shipper grabs the logs.

The Vector configuration to grab those logs within the Log Shipper is in the vector.toml file.

You can contribute to (or, you know, fork) this repository to add providers (sinks) of your own!

Avoid duplicate log messages in high availability apps

If you want to run more than one Machine for high availability, the NATS endpoint supports subscription queues to ensure messages are only sent to one subscriber of the named queue. The QUEUE secret can be set to configure an arbitrary queue name in your Log Shipper fly.toml file if you want to run multiple log processes for HA and avoid duplicate messages being shipped. For example:

  QUEUE = "org-logs"