Application Monitoring by Sentry

Sentry is a developer-first application monitoring platform that helps you identify and fix software problems before they impact your users. Through our partnerships with Sentry, each of your Fly organizations can claim a year’s worth of Team Plan credits.

To configure your application to use Sentry, run this command from your application directory.

flyctl ext sentry create

Use this command to open the dashboard for the Sentry project associated with the current application.

flyctl ext sentry dashboard

This will:

  • Create a Sentry account using your email address
  • Create a Sentry organization mapped to your organization
  • Set SENTRY_DSN as a secret on your app

SENTRY_DSN is available as an environment variable. The Sentry SDK will detect and use it automatically.

Sentry Plan details

This promotional plan includes, monthly:

If you need more than this, sign in to your Sentry account and review upgrade options in the Settings > Usage & Billing > Subscription section.

Note that if you upgrade from this plan, you may not downgrade back to the promotional Team plan.

Instrumenting your application with the Sentry SDK

Next, you should instrument your application to start sending exceptions and other events to Sentry.

Ruby on Rails

Running bin/rails generate dockerfile --sentry will:

  • Install the Ruby Sentry SDK rubygem
  • Add an initializer for automatic exception handling and performance tracing

Sentry can also instrument specific libraries like Sidekiq, Delayed Job, Resque, and more. Check the Sentry Ruby documentation for more information.

Other runtimes and frameworks

Learn how to set up your application with the Sentry SDK for your runtime in their comprehensive documentation.