Setting up a Python Environment

Initial Local Setup

Make sure that Python is already installed on your computer along with a way to create virtual environments.

This allows you to run your project locally, and test that it works, before deploying it to

We recommend the latest supported versions of Python.

Dependency Management

For project and dependency management we use Poetry. Like most package managers, Poetry combines multiple tools in one.

You have other options:

If you are just starting out, it is easiest to follow along using poetry. After installing it, you will have to set 2 flags for virtual environment management.

poetry config virtualenvs.create true
poetry config true

This will make your development environment resemble what ends up happening inside the docker image.

You can create a new project using this command:

poetry new <app-name>

Once inside the project, you can add packages with the add command:

poetry add <dep>

This will automatically create a virtual environment for you.