Active Storage is a great place to deploy Rails applications that make use of Active Storage, and knows that Rails users prefer Convention over Configuration and their menus Omakase.

Launching a new Application?

If any of the following are true, fly launch will take care of all of the configuration:

  • aws-sdk-s3 in Gemfile or Gemfile.lock
  • any migration containing active_storage_attachments
  • an uncommented line in config/storage.yml containing service: S3

Don’t want Tigris for any reason? Hey - we don’t judge here. Simply disable the extension in the web UI, and setup active storage for yourself.

Tigris Launch-UI

Adding Tigris to an existing application?

No problem! It can be as easy as a two step process.

Step 1: Create a storage bucket:

fly storage create
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one: 
Your Tigris project (xxx) is ready. See details and next steps with:

Setting the following secrets on xxx:

Secrets are staged for the first deployment

Step 2: Let dockerfile-rails do the configuring for you:

bin/rails generate dockerfile --tigris

Note: you don’t need to accept changes to your Dockerfile, .dockerignore, bin/docker-entrypoint or other files. The only files that need to be updated are:

  • config/storage.yml
  • config/environments/production.rb

Want a demo?

Following is a quick and dirty demo that enables you to upload files containing images, audio, video, and other assorted files for viewing and/or downloading.

First, some scaffolding:

rails new filelist --css tailwind
cd filelist
bin/rails active_storage:install
bin/rails generate scaffold Item name:string contents:attachment
bin/rails db:migrate

Next we need to modify three files to complete the application.

With this in place, you are ready to launch:

fly launch

Watch the app deploy and then upload, view, and download a few files!

Find out more!

Now that you are up and running, there is a lot more to explore on the Tigris Global Object Storage page. Highlights include public buckets, migrating to Tigris with shadow butckets, Pricing, and AWS API compatibility.