Turbo Streams & Action Cable

Deploying Turbo Streams or Action Cable with a Rails app involves provisioning a redis cluster and a few updates to your application.

Provisioning Redis

Before proceeding, verify that your application is already set up to use Redis. Examine your Gemfile and look for the following lines:

# Use Redis adapter to run Action Cable in production
gem "redis", "~> 4.0"

If the second line is commented out, uncomment it and then run bundle install. Rails will automatically have done this for you if it detected the redis-server executable on your machine at that time the application was created.

Now that Rails is ready to make use of Redis, lets deploy a redis cluster:

fly redis create
? Select Organization: John Smith (personal)
? Choose a Redis database name (leave blank to generate one): list-redis
? Choose a primary region (can't be changed later) Ashburn, Virginia (US) (iad)
? Optionally, choose one or more replica regions (can be changed later):

Upstash Redis can evict objects when memory is full. This is useful when caching in Redis. This setting can be changed later.
Learn more at https://fly.io/docs/upstash/redis/#memory-limits-and-object-eviction-policies
? Would you like to enable eviction? No
? Select an Upstash Redis plan Free: 100 MB Max Data Size

Your Upstash Redis database list-redis is ready.
Apps in the personal org can connect to at redis://default:<redacted>.upstash.io
If you have redis-cli installed, use fly redis connect to connect to your database.

Once again, you can set a name for the database, chose a primary region as well as a number of replica regions, enable eviction, and select a plan.

The most important line in this output is the second to the last one which will contain a URL starting with redis:. The URL you see will be considerably longer than the one you see above. You will need to provide this URL to Rails, and with Fly.io this is done via secrets. Run the following command replacing the url with the one from the output above:

fly secrets set REDIS_URL=redis://default:<redacted>.upstash.io

Now you are ready. Rails is set up to use redis, knows where to find the redis instance, and the instance is deployed. Now onto the implementation:

Adding Turbo Streams to your Application

There are very few steps to make this work, writing very few lines of code

Let’s start with the turbo_stream_for helper, which under the hood uses Turbo::StreamsChannel.

Modify app/views/names/index.html.erb to stream from “names”:

  <p style="color: green"><%= notice %></p>

+ <%= turbo_stream_from 'names' %>

  <div id="names">
    <% @names.each do |name| %>
      <%= render name %>
        <%= link_to "Show this name", name %>
    <% end %>

  <%= link_to "New name", new_name_path %>

And we complete the client changes by modifying app/views/names/_name.html.erb to identify the turbo frame:

- <div id="<%= dom_id name %>">
+ <%= turbo_frame_tag(dom_id name) do %>
      <%= name.name %>

- </div>
+ <% end %>

There is only one step left, and that is to modify app/controllers/names_controller.rb to broadcast changes as updates are made:

  # PATCH/PUT /names/1 or /names/1.json
  def update
    respond_to do |format|
      if @name.update(name_params)
        format.html { redirect_to name_url(@name), notice: "Name was successfully updated." }
        format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @name }
+       @name.broadcast_replace_later_to 'names', partial: 'names/name'
        format.html { render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity }
        format.json { render json: @name.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

Deployment and testing

By now it should be no surprise that deployment is as easy as fly deploy and fly apps open. Once that is done, copy the browser URL, open a second browser window (it can even be a different browser or even on a different machine), and paste the URL into the new window.

With one browser window open to the index page, use the other browser to change one of the names. Once you click “Update name” the index list in the original window will instantly update.

Of course, if this were a real application, inserting and removing names would cause those changes to be broadcast. As they say, this is left as an exercise for the student.

Arrived at Destination

You have successfully built, deployed, and connected to your first Rails application on Fly.io.

We’ve accomplished a lot with only just over a handful of lines of code and just over a dozen commands. When you are ready, proceed to a recap.