Upstash Kafka

This service is in public beta in the iad and fra regions. We don’t recommend using it in production, but highly encourage testing with real workloads. Help us make this service shine!

Upstash Kafka is a fully-managed, pay-as-you-go Kafka service hosted on infrastructure.

Create and manage a Kafka cluster

Creating and managing clusters happens exclusively via the Fly CLI. Install it, then signup for a Fly account.

Create and get status of a Kafka cluster

flyctl ext kafka create
? Select Organization: fly-apps (fly-apps)
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one: my-kafka-cluster
? Choose a primary region (can't be changed later) Madrid, Spain (mad)

Your Upstash cluster (my-kafka-cluster) in iad is ready.

Set the following secrets on your target app.

KAFKA_PASSWORD: MThl0io456uil345u-jkh34-kuj
KAFKA_USERNAME: Y02kghq4ka345uj0-kl340hkl23

The Upstash web console

To view more details about your cluster, including usage, run:

flyctl ext kafka dashboard -o <org_name>

List your clusters and view status

Get a list of all of your Kafka clusters.

flyctl ext kafka list
NAME                ORG             PRIMARY REGION
late-waterfall-1133 fly-apps        mad

Fetch status for a cluster:

fly ext kafka status late-waterfall-1133
  Name   = late-waterfall-1133
  Status = created

Using your Kafka cluster

To start using your cluster, you can create Kafka topics via the Upstash console or through a Kafka client connecting from your organization.

Check Upstash documentation on creating a topic, producing messages and consuming messages.

Delete a Kafka cluster

Deleting a Kafka cluster can’t be undone. Be careful!

fly ext kafka destroy my-cluster
Your Kafka cluster my-cluster was deleted

What you should know

Once provisioned, the cluster primary region cannot be changed.

Your Upstash Kafka is accessible only via a private IPv6 address restricted to your organization’s network.

To ensure low latency connections, provision your cluster in the same region as your application.


Upstash Kafka clusters are billed by usage on a pay-as-you-go basis. Check the official Upstash Pricing page for details.

Your usage is visible on your current bill, and updated periodically through the day. See detailed cluster usage details in the Upstash web console.