Run a FastAPI app

Getting an application running on is essentially working out how to package it as a deployable image. Once packaged, it can be deployed to the platform.

In this guide we’ll learn how to deploy a FastAPI application on

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python based on standard Python type hints.

Deploying a FastAPI app on is… well it’s fast! You can be up and running in less than a minute.


First, install flyctl, the CLI, and sign up to if you haven’t already.

The fastest way to get a basic Fast Api server on is to use our FastAPI template:

git clone fastapi-app
cd fastapi-app
fly launch --generate-name

Deploy a FastAPI app from scratch

For managing our project, we use Poetry. For more information on the initial setup with poetry, refer to setting up a python environment. We can initialize a new project like so:

poetry new fastapi-app
cd fastapi-app

Then we have to add the FastAPI dependency:

poetry add fastapi

Now, let’s create a simple FastAPI app in

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def hello_fly():
    return 'hello from'

We can then serve the development version of the app using the fastapi cli tool:

fastapi dev

This will display a ‘hello from!’ message when you visit the root URL. With the development environment we also get cool features like hot-reloading.

To run in production mode, we can amend the command:

fastapi run

The fastapi assumes your app is stored in or - if this is not the case, you must specify that when running the app:

`fastapi run hello/

And with that you can deploy the app!

fly launch
Scanning source code
Detected a FastAPI app
Warning: This organization has no payment method, turning off high availability
Creating app in [redacted]/[app-name]
We're about to launch your app on Here's what you're getting:

Organization: Your Name              (fly launch defaults to the personal org)
Name:         [app-name]             (derived from your directory name)
Region:       Amsterdam, Netherlands (this is the fastest region for you)
App Machines: shared-cpu-1x, 1GB RAM (most apps need about 1GB of RAM)
Postgres:     <none>                 (not requested)
Redis:        <none>                 (not requested)
Sentry:       false                  (not requested)


==> Building image
==> Building image with Docker

Watch your deployment at[app-name]/monitoring

Visit your newly deployed app at https://[app-name]

This will generate a fly.toml file with the configuration for your app and a Dockerfile that uses multi-stage builds. Refer to the fly.toml docs for more configuration options.

To deploy a new version of your app, simply run fly deploy in the project directory.

You can check out the full (yet minimal) example in this GitHub repository for a reference.